Embark on a transformative journey with our eight-week program, designed to reveal the fundamental principles and skills essential for seamlessly integrating coaching into your management style or launching your coaching career, whether part-time or full-time. This experience serves as your gateway to unlocking the powerful synergy between coaching and leadership, equipping you to adeptly guide and inspire your team or coachees. Culminating in a notable accomplishment, participants earn a 30-hour leadership coaching certificate and a coaching transcript. Embrace this path not only to shape your coaching career but also to leave a lasting imprint on your leadership legacy.

Your Path to Achievement: Aspiring Goals

  • The Anti-Racist Coaching Model: Messy Roots uses a comprehensive coaching curriculum designed decenter racialized structures within the profession, grounded in thoroughly researched data and tools. Our aim is to effectively nurture and empower coaches of color while mitigating harm and dismantling oppressive systems that our coaches are tasked with challenging. Click here to learn more about our backdrop to this approach.

  • Mindful Leadership Mastery: Shape yourself into a mindful leader armed with effective coaching skills, ready to alleviate workplace stress and burnout, fostering a culture of positivity and retention.

  • Symbol of Proficiency: Attain a revered 30-hour Leadership Certificate, solidifying your ability to drive growth and retention. This credential signifies your role as a catalyst for positive change.

  • Foundation for Success: Lay the cornerstone for growth by acquiring fundamental coaching skills, preparing you to engage confidently in our comprehensive program. This stepping stone sets the stage for your transformational journey.

  • Guided by Excellence: Embrace guidance from the International Coaching Federation competencies, steering our coaching sessions. Delve into the core as you master Coaching Competencies A and B from the ICF programming guide.

  • Your aspirations converge here, in goals that promise growth, empowerment, and a meaningful journey towards impactful leadership. Embrace the transformative power of these objectives.


  • Leaders and education-based coaches interested in utilizing coaching skills as a part of their management and leadership style.

  • Participants interested in becoming a part-time or full-time coach in the future.


  • The program is conducted online through Zoom.

  • We will send leaders a gift box!



July 10th - August 28th

Wednesdays at 5 pm EST


Module 1: Here and Now - Resources designed to facilitate coaches and their coachees in mutual understanding and operational alignment for their coaching dialogues. Coaches will acquire the skills to set foundational principles and cultivate an environment conducive to sharing narratives. The ultimate objective is to equip coaches with the ability to forge reliable relationships and establish a secure haven for their coachees. Storytelling is the root of this practice.  ICF Core Competency: 1-2

Module 2: Understanding Your Client - Offering coaches a means to grasp their coachee's envisioned reality and the destination they are striving to reach. Coaches will comprehend the disparity between the current state and the desired state, employing coaching techniques to guide their coachees towards attaining their sought-after objectives. ICFCC: 3, 6, 9

Module 3: Strategic Questions - Formulating open-ended inquiries that enable coachees to unearth their present circumstances and identify their aspirations for the future. ICF Core Competency: 7

Module 4: Tell The Truth - Offering a pathway for coachees to overcome obstacles and break free from stagnation. At times, everyone requires a supportive gesture. Coaches will acquire the skill of delivering valuable feedback to their clients, aiding them in shifting towards alternative viewpoints. ICFCC: 4

Module 5: Learning and Listening - Coaches delve deep into continuous learning and profound exploration within their coaching specialization. They proactively pursue avenues to engage with the dynamic community of their niche, connecting with their audience through various channels including individual interactions, literature, conferences, retreats, surveys, and invaluable insights gained from reflecting on coachee feedback. ICFCC: 5

Module 6: Experiences - Resources designed to assist coachees in embracing fresh viewpoints, fostering additional progress toward their objectives. Coaches will gain proficiency in acquiring tools and establishing agreements concerning the subsequent actions and follow-up procedures. ICFCC: 8, 9


$1,250 Per person. This includes course materials. $195.00 Monthly payments are available.


I am grateful for my experience with Messy Roots, Mindfulness Coaching Program. It has been a transformative journey that has brought some practical but simple adjustments to my day-to-day life. Their "10 Guided Steps to Mindfulness" have been an invaluable tool in navigating my well-being moment to moment. The "10 Guided Steps to Mindfulness" provided structure and clarity to what my current state and root to my emotions. Each step was thoughtfully designed and easy to follow, allowing me to gradually deepen my understanding and communicate to others where my response stems from. Through the coaching program, I learned how to cultivate a present-moment awareness and observe my thoughts and emotions without judgment. The program emphasized self-compassion and taught me to embrace the challenges of life with acceptance and grace. The impact of this mindfulness coaching program on my day-to-day schedule has been remarkable. I now start my mornings with a 5 to 15 min grounding meditation, which sets a focused , desirable tone for the rest of my day. Throughout the day, I incorporate mindfulness breaks, where I take a few moments to center myself and re-focus on the present moment. I wholeheartedly recommend Messy Roots, Mindfulness Coaching Program, and their "10 Guided Steps to Mindfulness" to anyone seeking to cultivate mindfulness in their lives. The program is thoughtfully designed and incredibly supportive, and the results are truly amazing. Thank you, Messy Roots for guiding this beautiful journey of mindfulness!

- Malachi Lee, Class of 2023