Our Coaching school equips you to seamlessly integrate coaching into your management and leadership approach. Our immersive 16-week program prioritizes diversity, equity, and inclusion, specifically catering to leaders of color. At Messy Roots, our dedicated team guides you throughout and beyond your program completion. Gain the expertise to launch your coaching practice, whether part-time or full-time. Upon graduation, you'll earn a comprehensive 100-hour coaching certificate aligned with the International Coaching Federation's ethical standards and competencies.

Aspire for Excellence: Transformative Goals

  • The Anti-Racist Coaching Model: Messy Roots uses a comprehensive coaching curriculum designed decenter racialized structures within the profession, grounded in thoroughly researched data and tools. Our aim is to effectively nurture and empower coaches of color while mitigating harm and dismantling oppressive systems that our coaches are tasked with challenging. Click here to learn more about our backdrop to this approach.

  • ICF-Aligned Mastery: Achieve mastery with a 100-hour coaching foundations certificate that's meticulously aligned with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) standards. It's not just a certificate; it's a testament to your commitment to excellence.

  • Empower with Coaching Tools: Weave the art of coaching seamlessly into your management and leadership style. Empower yourself with coaching tools that not only enhance your leadership but also elevate your impact on others.

  • Ethical Leadership: Uphold the highest standards by following and interpreting the ICF coaching ethics and procedures. Your leadership will shine brightly as you exemplify ethical coaching practices.

  • Mindful Empowerment: Cultivate mindfulness skills and gather a toolkit of strategies to empower your clients in reaching their goals. Your ability to guide others towards success will be grounded in empathy and mindfulness.

  • Core Competencies Mastery: Dive deep into the core of coaching excellence by analyzing and demonstrating proficiency in both the ICF and Messy Roots 9 Core Competencies. This mastery is the cornerstone of your journey towards becoming a remarkable coach.

  • Unite for Leadership Growth: Collaborate harmoniously with fellow coaches, harnessing collective knowledge to amplify your leadership skills. Together, you'll reach new heights of leadership prowess.

  • These goals are the threads that will weave your journey towards unparalleled leadership and coaching distinction. Embrace these objectives as your compass towards a transformative future.


  • Leaders and education-based coaches where majority of their work is involves coaching and supporting team members (full-time).

  • Participants interested in becoming a part-time or full-time coach


  • The program is conducted online through Zoom.


Cohort 4 begins on Wednesday, September 4th - December 18th, 2024

Sessions are live on Wednesdays from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm EST

You are allowed to miss 4 coaching sessions.

Module 1: Here and Now - Resources designed to facilitate coaches and their coachees in mutual understanding and operational alignment for their coaching dialogues. Coaches will acquire the skills to set foundational principles and cultivate an environment conducive to sharing narratives. The ultimate objective is to equip coaches with the ability to forge reliable relationships and establish a secure haven for their coachees. Storytelling is the root of this practice.  ICF Core Competency: 1-2

Module 2: Understanding Your Client - Offering coaches a means to grasp their coachee's envisioned reality and the destination they are striving to reach. Coaches will comprehend the disparity between the current state and the desired state, employing coaching techniques to guide their coachees towards attaining their sought-after objectives. ICFCC: 3, 6, 9

Module 3: Strategic Questions - Formulating open-ended inquiries that enable coachees to unearth their present circumstances and identify their aspirations for the future. ICF Core Competency: 7

Module 4: Tell The Truth - Offering a pathway for coachees to overcome obstacles and break free from stagnation. At times, everyone requires a supportive gesture. Coaches will acquire the skill of delivering valuable feedback to their clients, aiding them in shifting towards alternative viewpoints. ICFCC: 4

Module 5: Learning and Listening - Coaches delve deep into continuous learning and profound exploration within their coaching specialization. They proactively pursue avenues to engage with the dynamic community of their niche, connecting with their audience through various channels including individual interactions, literature, conferences, retreats, surveys, and invaluable insights gained from reflecting on coachee feedback. ICFCC: 5

Module 6: Experiences - Resources designed to assist coachees in embracing fresh viewpoints, fostering additional progress toward their objectives. Coaches will gain proficiency in acquiring tools and establishing agreements concerning the subsequent actions and follow-up procedures. ICFCC: 8, 9


  1. Complete the application

  2. We will send you an email to schedule your 20-minute interview. During the interview, we will discuss scholarships and financial obligations.

  3. Receive notice if you are accepted into the program

  4. Attend online orientation, where you will meet your other cohort members

  5. Join the online class on Wednesdays

$2,995.00 per person. $195.00 Monthly payments are available. First Payment starts in September.